It’s quite evident why electricity consumption hits the roof in the winter. Between heating, extra use of light, and binge-watching series on Netflix, the electricity bill keeps increasing. Moreover, for obvious reasons, the past year knew one of the heaviest energy consumption all over the world. The fact of staying home more hours than before was the main reason to this increase in the bill.
Nevertheless, if you are tired of spending more and more cash on utilities, we’ve gathered few simple hacks to save on electricity bills this winter!
Switch to LED Bulbs

Another reason to switch to LED light bulbs. In addition to giving the tumbler look to your space, it also helps you save on electricity bills. In fact, they either consume very low electricity or don’t consume any at all (depending on the type.) You can also cut your costs by using sets of LED small bulbs that operate with Rechargeable Batteries.
Turn Off Lights When You Leave

Now that we are adults, we understand why our parents used to insist on turning off the light in rooms we don’t use. The only effort it will take from you is to pay more attention. Even though it might seem like it does little harm, it actually does quite a lot on the electricity bill. Always make sure all lights are turned off at night (including the TV.) Also, don’t leave the heater/conditioner on all night either if you don’t want to pay a fortune.
Enjoy Natural Light

Natural light is the best kind of light, and it’s free. In fact, doctors recommend with a daily doses of natural light to fight depression. In addition, the sun is a rich source of vitamin D which affects positively both your body and mind. Nevertheless, even when it’s rainy and cold, you should always ventilate for 15-20 minutes, and absorb that light before night time, when you start using electricity that you will pay for later.
Organize Your Laundry Schedule

The washing machine consumes tons of energy with every load. That’s why you should use it the minimum possible to save up. Of course, this doesn’t mean throwing on dirty clothes, but it means that you can have the same amount of clean clothes doing less laundry. The strategy is simple: Fill in the washing machine, dishwasher etc… Sometimes, you can even create a schedule to keep track of loads, and try to limit your laundry schedule to two loads per week.
Photos: Unsplash, Freepik.