Google calls their newest invention the “Translatotron” and it simultaneously translates what you say by copying your voice, tone and cadence.

Translation programmes
Up until now, Google has been the most famous translator on the Internet. By typing in one word you are directly forwarded to it. Google even included a tool that can translate text to voice, text to text and voice o text. However, the voice tool always has the standard “Google” voice, which speaks like a robot and is very monotonous.

A communication barrier
What usually happens with regular translation programmes is that a lot of communication gets lost in the “process”, so to say. In other words, these kind of tools translate sentences word for word, meaning they don’t capture the essence of slang, expressions and other aspects of spoken communication. If it’s sometimes already hard enough to speak to others, imagine if you had to depend on such translation tools.

Google’s Translatotron
Thus, what is so exciting about Google’s new invention, is that is does exactly this: it imitates your voice tone and the cadence of your sentences, which is fundamental in verbal communication.
The system is based on a sequence to sequence model, and works with spectrograms (used to copy voices). The creation is able to retain vocal characteristics from the transmitter, making their speech more natural.

Find out what it sounds like
If you are interested in what these voices might sound like, you can find it here. In the link you will be able to find original voices, conventional translations with the current systems and the results obtained with the application.

Other translation tools
It’s worth to mention that there are currently other systems, like Vbestlife and Ashata, which follow more or less the same pattern of simultaneous translation, but don’t imitate voices yet. They are available for a wide range of prices that goes from just 25 euros, up to 200.
Photos: Pixabay and Unsplash