All that has to do with saving mother-earth is obviously trendy. Indeed, throughout the long term we have been genuinely harming the planet so much, that now we need to start to rely on alternative, and more sustainable options.That being said, Solid Shampoo is not only better for the environment, but is also better for your hair’s general health. Here is what you should know about this ”magical” piece of soap.
It Has Higher Concentration, so It Lasts longer

Mainly due to the fact that traditional shampoo contains a high level of water. So usually, 80% of regular shampoo is not dense. In fact, in some cases considerably more. On the other hand, a solid shampoo bar has higher concentration, so it has more ‘cleaning and cleansing abilities.
Furthermore, it’s also time saving. you just need to add the water once you are in the shower. Consequently, with a higher percentage of shampoo, the bar will last you twice the time!
All Natural, So It’s Much Healthier To Your Hair

All in all, these shampoos don’t contain any sort of added substances or additives that can eventually harm your hair. Despite what might be expected: they are made with absolutely natural ingredients that are profoundly healthy for your hair. From essential oils to concentrated drops of specific plants, solid shampoo bars keep your hair moisturized. (They also smell too good.)
Reduces Plastic Use, So It’s Eco-Friendly

Solid shampoo contains natural items and 0 plastic. In this way, it helps reduce the waste and plastic use, which is what our planet needs. Furthermore, organic substances dissolve faster and help keep a sustainable life. In addition, what do you do when your shampoo bottle is finished? Because with solid shampoo, it’s all recyclable 100%. There is a reason why many brands are starting to produce solid shampoo more and more everyday!
Photos: Freepik.