Money Heist (aka La Casa De Papel) is one of the TV series that have gone viral in the entire world. The Spanish show mesmerized the world with the original plot, and escalation of events. However, before Money Heist became one of the most watched series on Netflix’s history, it had more downs than ups. So, here are few crazy facts about Money Heist that you probably didn’t know.
The Show Was Bound To Fail
In fact, the show was almost canceled after the first two seasons. When it was first aired on Spanish TV, it generated good rates at the beginning, but they were going down each day. By the end of season 2, the cast said their goodbye and the director admitted that the show was bound to fail. However, when Netflix decided to buy the show and air it, everything changed and the success it generated left everyone in shock, including the Money Heist stars.
Season 1 Was Shot Entirely In Madrid
According to the producers of the show, the first seasons was shot on such low budget, that they couldn’t afford to shoot outside of Spain. So, all the scenes that features locations abroad, were actually shot in the studio, and then manipulated by the team in the post-production phase. Later on of course, and due to its rising success, the show makers were finally able to afford traveling and shooting in other countries.
The Actors’ Lives Changed Completely

The actors confessed in the ”Money Heist Documentary” that their lives changed 360 degrees after Netflix aired the show. Alba Flores (Nairobi) was quite in shock, as she could no longer go out for a normal walk. Moreover, The Professor and Berlin (Alvaro More & Pedro Alonso) were fascinated by the fans who were present when shooting their scenes in Milan. They both were overwhelmed, and knew that their lives have changed forever.
Money Heist’s Famous Fans
One of the crazy facts about Money Heist, is that it didn’t only impress the viewers, but famous people became obsessed with the show too. Actually, Neymar, the Brazilian soccer icon, even asked for his own character and made a quick appearance as a monk in Part 3 of Season 2.
The Dali Mask Became An International Symbol For Resistance

In addition to the unpredictable plot, suspense, and great acting, Money Heist attracted so much attention for further reasons. In fact, their resistance inspired protestors all over the world. The Dali mask became an international symbol in rallies defending human rights, and protesting against governments.
Where Did ”Bella Ciao” Come From?
The essence of the show, which revolves around resistance gave birth a new version of the legendary ”Bella Ciao” song. Although our generation may not have been familiar with it, but this song represents the fight of Italians against fascism. Before this song became a global hit (even playing at night clubs), it had been used as a national anthem of the opposition against the fascist regime in Italy in the 40’s.
Photos: Netflix, Instagram.