Do you feel like you’re more comfortable when you’re alone? Maybe you prefer carrying out activities like reading and learning in peace, or maybe you prefer quiet places rather than going to a party. This doesn’t mean you’re a “weirdo” like some people have probably called you before. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Your brain allows you to think clearer
Science has proven that your brain actually works better than those of people who always need to be around others. Yes, that’s right. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are just able to think clearer than more “socially involved” people.
Scientifically proven
According to the British Society of Psychology, people who are more reserved socially and prefer to lead a quiet life have obtained a higher score on the intelligence scale. Researchers call this phenomenon the “forest hermit” strategy, which allows them to focus on their personal approach.
According to Satoshi Kanazawa, the director of the investigation, the study showed how most people need to constantly interact with others, whereas the reduced minority that obtained higher scores could all happily work on their own, avoiding interaction with others, and keep it that way.
The Savanna Theory of Happiness
The basis of the study is the Savanna Theory of Happiness. This study establishes that what made our ancestors happy, still makes us happy today: interaction was very special in low populations. However, it seems intelligent people have cut loose from this and don’t care much about social interaction.
“The most intelligent individuals experience a lesser satisfaction of their social lives with more frequent social interaction with friends”
Satoshi Kanazawa
Happier people live in seclusion
The study has concluded that people who leave behind city life to move to a remote town tend to be happier because they have limited communication and are generally stress-free.
This makes you question quite some things, doesn’t it.
Photos: Unsplash