Getting paid days off from work is every employee’s right, always when they are aligned with the company’s policies. However, there’s an unspoken-of etiquette that could help you obtain those days off. During this Covid-19 epidemic, many companies find themselves in a critical situation. Yet, wether you need to take days off for sickness, family issues or simply to relax, here are some tips to ask for days off from work, and get them.
Asking Instead Of Requesting

The way you ask for days off from work is everything. In fact, although your vacation days are part of you work benefits, showing respect and humility give out a better impression. Furthermore, asking instead of requesting shows how considerate you are towards your boss, colleagues and company in general.
Choose The Right Moment To Tell Your Boss

Most companies usually have an online calendar embedded in their system to schedule workers’ vacations. So, if you need to take few days off unexpectedly, then the right thing to do is to consult the calendar, first. In addition, it’s crucial to choose the right moment to ask your boss. For example, if its peak season, or of the company is going through a crisis, then the right thing to do is to hold off. However, if it’s an emergency, make sure you explain your reasons clearly and with empathy.
Inform Your Peers

Besides giving out a good image to your superiors, you also need to be considerate towards your peers. Vacation planning usually goes on rotation, and are scheduled to avoid workers shortage in each department. So, when it’s time to plan your vacation, try to discuss your plans with your peers. For example, if you want to take few days off from work to coincide with your kids’ school break, voice it out. Also, informing your peers will help you build a connection with them, and makes you seem reliable and thoughtful.
Organize Your Workload

Finally, before asking for time off, you defiantly need to organize your workload. First, catch up on any unfinished business, and leave a planning for what to do post-vacation. Once you have it figured out, do not be afraid to ask. Like we mentioned previously, it’s one of your basic rights at work. As long as you do it correctly, and even if it’s a new job, then your chances are pretty much high that you’ll be granted those days you asked for.
Photos: Pixabay.