Drinking a glass of wine or a beer could actually be beneficial to you. However, constant alcohol consumption is very damaging to your body. Researchers have been investigating moderate alcohol use, and how it shapes our social behavior. Moreover, the findings also showed how alcohol affects our body and mental health. If you enjoy drinking, then take a look at this, to know what alcohol actually does to you.
Alcohol Inhibits Brain cells

Although the common explanation is that alcohol kills brain cells, new studies reveal that it doesn’t go that far. However, alcohol does inhibit and damage brain cells. In a study conducted by Grethe Jensen, he revealed that pure alcohol obviously does so much damage to your liver, and can cause brain cells to die. However, alcohol beverages that have a lower alcohol concentration, leads your brain to affect the way your neurons get their firing triggers from glutamate.
It Makes You Seem More Intentional

In addition to damaging your body, alcohol affects your interactions and how you come off to people. The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin surveyed about 100 men, and tricked some of them into believing they were drinking Alcohol. Then, they questioned how they’ve judged certain reactions. In conclusion, men who thought were drunk seemed to believe that the acts done by others, were in fact, intentional.
Moreover, if you wonder why we often forget what happened, that’s because the way the brain makes memories is far from comprehensively understood. But it does seem linked to N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid, or NMDA, the receptor for which alcohol seems particularly adept at interfering with, according to Braun.
Effects Vary Based On The Person

The research however showed that what alcohol actually does to you, varies from men, to women, to different age groups, and even genetics. If you drink with a full stomach, alcohol absorption is relatively lower. In addition, Alcohol dehydrogenase (AD) is more effective on men rather than women.
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