Food is necessary for all species’ survival. When hungry, we sometimes can eat pretty much anything. However, what if they smell disgusting? Would you still be able to eat them? According to science, bad smell can influence food choices, but not in all cases. Tune in to know the list of the 5 worst smelling foods in the world.

If you have ever been to Sweden, chances are you have already got acquainted with Surströmming. This tinned fish dish is considered as the worst smelling in the world. They usually fermentate it for about two months before selling it in cans. Although the bad smell is released during the fermentation process, the final product still smells horrible. However, it’s super delicious apparently.

Goat cheese is known for not having the best smell. However, it is one of the most consumed types of cheese around the world thanks to its various health benefits. Camembert, produced from cow milk, is a main product in France. Despite the horrible smell that comes from it, French people and tourists alike indulge in eating it.

Fruits rarely have a repelling smell. However, this delicious creamy fruit smells horrible. Covered in thorns, you must break it open before eating the fruit inside. In fact, it smells so bad that some airports in Asia warn prohibit passengers from taking it on a plane.
Boiled Eggs

We have all had a boiled egg once in our lifetime. Once boiled and the skin is taken of, the egg produces a stinky smell. During the cooking process, the yolk produces Iron, while the whites release hydrogen and sulfur. The mixture of the three elements produces a compound called Hydrogen sulfide which gives the rotten bad smell.

Cauliflower tastes absolutely delicious, and consists of many health benefits. This vegetable should be indispensable in your meal plan, because it’s one of the healthiest and tastiest leafy greens. However, and just like the eggs, cooking cauliflower produces sulfur compounds which causes the horrible smell.
Photos: Pixabay