The coronavirus is spreading in alarming rates. This lethal disease starts as a common cold, yet ends up with death. It first broke in the city of Wuhan in China, and in the matter of days it spread through the whole country. Few more cases were recorded in several parts of Asia, U.S and even Europe.
The Chinese government has now put a siege on Wuhan, disallowing any incoming or leaving flights. Coronavirus is the most dangerous virus since the break-out of Ebola in 2014. Here is what you need to know about it!
What Is Coronavirus?

China registered 41 deaths on Saturday morning, only for the death toll to double in 48 hours. Now, recent data estimates that over 2750 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus, from which 80 have died already.
The disease that was first related to contact with animals. However, more infected people appeared claiming they had no animal exposure. According to the World’s Health Organization, ”coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases.”
Symptoms to Watch Out For

Although the disease first starts with a sore throat, runny nose and cough, not all those symptoms mean coronavirus. In fact, CoV targets the respiratory system, and causes difficulty in breathing.
However, if you have recently cameback from China, pay attention to the symptoms. In any case, it’s always better to get the test and make sure it’s just a simple cold.
How Does it Become Contagious?

Many experts are discussing how CoV could be transmitted from one person to another. Unlike other viruses that spread through physical contact and air, this one may be different. Actually, a Chinese doctor made the claim that you could get infected from the simple fact of having eye contact. The Chinese health minister warned people that you could get the virus before the other person even realizes they have it.
The Fast Spread of Coronavirus is Causing Panic Worldwide

In the light of how easily contagious CoV is, and it’s fast spread, the world is literally freaking out. As cases have been reported in the United States, France and other regions of the world, many countries restricted flights to Wuhan, and imposed airport tests in major cities. In order to treat all virus holders, China approved building a hospital in 10 days for those infected, given that the numbers are expected to keep rising.
Photos: Pixabay, Unsplash