Miejsce Odrzańskie is the name of the town we are talking about. It’s located in the South of Poland, right next to the frontier of the Czech Republic. It doesn’t have many inhabitants, less than 300, to be precise. Which is not necessarily unusual. What’s odd about this town is that the majority of the citizens are women.
The last male was born 12 years ago
The last male was born not more and not less than 12 years ago. Citizens claim this strange phenomenon has been going on for over decades. No male children seem to be born in this town anymore.
Investigating the case…
The town aimed to discover what exactly was causing these occurrences, and so they decided to start digging. They analyzed all of their birth certificates, but didn’t really find anything other than the reality of the case. The majority of the children who were born there were simply female.

How could they determine the cause?
The problem with such cases is that there are so many factors that can alter results that it’s almost impossible to determine what it could be. You have to look into history and statistics. Take a look at the relation the parents have amongst each other. Interview both the parents and the children. Take the environmental factors into account. Only then would they be able to determine what causes might exist behind this odd phenomenon.
An “attractive reward”
Until the town finds out the exact cause of the high number of female births, the mayor has decided to offer a reward to anyone who can provide them with the first male child. It might not encourage parents, as they can’t exactly control who they give birth to.

However, it’s more of a “thank you” for those who are able to. The mayor has not confirmed what exactly the reward will be, but he has stated it will be, in fact, an “attractive reward”.
Images: Unsplash and Wikipedia