Scientific research prove that there are habits can make you smarter indeed, if you implement them in your daily life. In fact, you’d be surprised of how your life could turn upside down, by just doing a little everyday. Furthermore, these 4 activities are quite easy to incorporate, especially now that we have a bit more time than before.
In addition to helping you become smarter, it helps you also become more conscious and relaxed. These habits are going to help you get out of confinement in a better version of yourself.
Reading even just a few pages a day is incredibly beneficial to you, and yes, regardless of the content. Researcher Anne E. Cunningham, argues that children who read as much as a page everyday, show a higher IQ than those who don’t read at all. Furthermore, she argues that reading increases your intelligence due to the fact that it requires focused attention, and simulates brain cells to remain active. In addition, reading enhance your vocabulary, which automatically makes you seem smarter, as you avoid making common grammatical errors.
Eating Wisely
You know what they say ” a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Did you know that you can increase your intelligence through brain-boosting foods? In fact, the human brain consists of 60 percent fat. Therefore, consuming fats may add a little to your weight, but it’s actually positive for your brain. Therefore, experts recommend a moderate consumption of ”trans-fat rich items like potato chips, and foods high in monounsaturated fats, like fish or nuts” is one of the habits that can make you smarter.
Learning Something New
Wether you take online courses, start learning a new language or even the simple act of leaning a new recipe increases your intelligence. Apparently, inserting something new into your brain for 30 minutes a day, causes ”a multisensory explosion” and it ”triggers processes which flex crucial areas of your brain.” In other words, it’s like giving your brain a full-workout! In addition, the more information your brain retains, the stronger it becomes and consequently, that makes you smarter.
As exercising is useful to staying in good shape, meditation is equally important for your mental health. In fact, many people underestimate the power of emotional intelligence as one of the habits that make you smarter on the long run. Harvard research linked meditation to brain growth in the hippocampus and increased memory and learning. Therefore, if you dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to meditating, the results will start showing almost instantly, as you’ll feel more zen, mentally healthier and stronger.
Photos: Pixabay, Unsplash.