Most of us have had at least one unsettling nightmare that sticks with us, causing us to wake up in a sweat in the middle of the night. Asides from pinching yourself to make sure it’s only a dream, there are ways of decoding your nightmares and reflecting on your current stresses in life. In fact, scientists are continuously finding more data that connects our nightmares to our subconscious. Specifically, they believe dreams serve as a “data dump” from our daily lives, and paying attention to them can ream positive effects.
While you might feel your nightmare was vivid and extremely personal, the reality is many people share similarities in their reoccurring nightmares. These are the four of the most common nightmares, and what they may mean.
You Are Endlessly Falling

According to a 2016 study by Amerisleep, falling was the most common anxiety-fueled nightmare that people had. Scientists believe it could be due to your nervous system turning off for the night while you sleep, making it feel like you are falling endlessly. The lack of stable footing that results in our falling can also be an indicator that you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and lacking control of your life.
Nightmares With All Your Teeth Falling Out

Sadly a majority of us have at some point have dreamt of losing all of their teeth, their mouth left with only gums. Whether immediate or gradual, this nightmare undoubtedly leaves you feeling shocked. Dream interpreters have come up with many different possible meanings for this dream, but most are related to feeling inferior, unattractive, or neglected in some way. It can also mean that you fear losing something or someone that is vital to your emotional and mental wellbeing.
You Are Being Chased
Whether you’re running from an attacker, animal, or monster, being chased can be absolutely terrifying. This is particularly true if you seem to be in slow motion or can’t move fast enough. Chasing dreams commonly are interpreted to mean you are avoiding something in real life, or even trying to escape your own bad habits.
Nightmares When You Or A Loved One Dies

Nightmares about death can send instant chills up your spine, given how real they feel. However, dreaming of death isn’t all grim. Sometimes it simply means a certain stage in your life is coming to a close and you’ll soon experience a new beginning. It could also mean that a romantic relationship is about to end. Regardless, with each of these dreams there is no set significance, as each person’s life situations are different.
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