Over the years we have become more and more aware of the massive problem that is sexual assault. Statistics show that one out of five women will be sexual assaulted at some point in their lives. It has become increasingly normalized. Rape culture is a big issue we have to stand against.

A Spanish company called Sassy Bark
In Spain, a company called Sassy Bark has started developing jewelry that can help women feel safe when outside. Women all over the world have this lingering feeling of unsafeness when walking down the street on their own. Sassy Bark’s jewelry can put an end to this.
A necklace to defend yourself
They have developed a “defense necklace” that acts as a pepper spray. Pepper sprays are illegal in many places, but this particular spray has been approved by the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Interior of Spain. With this necklace, the element of surprise will be on your side. It’s discrete, as they actual spray is contained inside the necklace.

What the spray does
You will be able to act fast, as you won’t have to wait until you’ve found it in your purse. You can easily pull it off from your necklace and spray it, as the jewel is held by magnets. Besides blinding the aggressor for around 15 to 20 minutes, it will “stain” them with ultraviolet ink, which will allow the police to easily track down said person for up to 48 hours after the aggression.
It’s safe and easy to use
The spray is reusable, and once it’s empty you can refill it. Plus, the jewel is completely adapted to the spray, which means that it’s easy to use, and fail-proof. However, it is safe enough that you won’t press it by accident.

If you’re unsure of how to use it, you can practice with the jewel without filling the spray, just to make sure you know how it works when the time comes (but we pray it doesn’t). It’s better to be safe than sorry.
There are even different designs you can choose from, as well as different types of spray. You won’t ever have to worry about getting home safely again.
Images: Sassy Bark and Unsplash