Hot Dogs are considered the classic American Food and summer staple. Whether you top your link with ketchup and mustard or go for some crazy toppings like caramel popcorn or arugula pesto, this savory food is a sure crowd pleaser. Asides from the not-so-pleasant thought of the meat processing, there are a pretty interesting array of facts to chow down on!

There Is Still A Debate Over The Origin
Believe it or not, hot dogs have been around since the classic tale of Homer’s Odyssey, yet no one is certain about the exact origins. Many people claim to be the inventors, with the dispute rooted in the definition of a hot dog itself. Was the originator the person who first put the sausage on a roll? Or the first to name the short sausage after the dachshund dog? It’s an origin legend that will surely never be solved.

People In Los Angeles Consume The Most Hot Dogs Every Year
You might associate glamorous, fit celebrities with Los Angeles and Hollywood, but turns out this city buys the most hot dogs! In total, residents buy close to 34 million pounds a year. Meaning even one of the fittest cities in the world knows the importance of a cheat day that includes a juicy dog.

Black Hot Dogs Are The Rage In Japan
If the multitude of topping options wasn’t enough of a change-up from the typical reddish frank, Japan has popularized the black hot dog. These sausages get the black color from black charcoal ash, which purportedly doesn’t change the flavor, simply the appearance. Even large chains like Ikea have joined in selling the spooky creation. Dare you try it?
Yes, There Is An Official Correct Way To Eat A Hot Dog
As shocking as it may seem, there exists both a) The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council and b) an official correct way to eat a hot dog. Avoid any “frank faux pas” by watching this video through. You’re sure to get a laugh, and maybe learn some etiquette you have been breaking all along!
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