Making a wish upon a shooting star is a common belief. However, can shooting stars make your wishes come true? Although there are no scientific proofs, many people have reported that it can happen. Furthermore, it’s quite hard to spot a shooting star, however, some people argue that if you do it right, the universe may grant you your wish. But, you may ask, how is it even possible? Do stars have an impact on us? We answer your questions in this post!
First, What Are Shooting Stars?

Shooting stars are also known as” falling stars.” And, they are not stars at all. In fact, they are considered meteoroids. The amazing sky show of streaks of light you may see at night, is caused by tiny bits of dust and rock. Moreover, the event of meteor showers are quite frequent, although not always visible. They occur when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet as it orbits the Sun.
People Say That Their Wishes Did Come True

Wether it’s the power of believing in it, or simply a result of the ”law of attraction,” many people say that it works. Actually, several cultures around the world believe in the power of the stars since ancient times, when they were used to explain all sorts of things. My personal experience with shooting stars, has also been positive. One night, I was admiring the night-sky at my hometown, and suddenly spotted a falling star. I, Unconsciously, made a wish that, at the time, seemed improbable to come true. However, few years later, it did. Additionally, I stumbled upon few comments online, of people claiming that their shooting star wishes did come true.
One woman looking for love found it only two weeks after wishing on a shooting star!
A mother whose family’s financial troubles were magically resolved after wishing on a star.
How To Make A Wish Upon A Shooting Star?

Again, shooting stars that make wishes come true is just the result of personal experiences, and is not backed by science. However, since spotting a falling star is not that easy, if you ever get lucky enough to see one, it doesn’t hurt to try it. Here is how you are ”supposed” to make a wish upon a shooting star.
First, the wish must be done quickly, and before the meteor disappears. You need to close your eyes to make your wish. Note that it must be something you truly believe in, and just a superficial desire. Most importantly, it must remain a secret, and you can not tell anyone about it until it comes true. (Sometimes it takes few years, like in my case.)
Photos; Unsplash, Pixabay.