Recently Area 51 came to the spotlight once again as people on Facebook decided to create events to “storm” the Nevada-based flight testing facility (with over 2 million people accepting the event, too). This area has been linked to alien sightings and other-world conspiracy theories, yet there seems to be very little truthfully known about this location. Here to share some facts that will fuel your extraterrestrial fantasies.

No One Knows Why It’s Called Area 51
While there are plenty of theories about the name, there are no true origins to trace. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, it is not known how Area 51 got its name nor what it stands for! Some have theorized that the name comes from the fact the location is very close to nuclear testing sites, which typically each have their own number.

The Fake Moon Landing Conspiracies Were Believed To Be Filmed Here
One of the biggest cultural events during the Cold War and ingrained into US history is the 1969 moon landing. However, despite the video footage and moon rocks as evidence, many people don’t believe that the moon landing actually happened. This lunar conspiracy theory began by Bill Kaysing, who thinks that NASA officials faked the landing by filming it at Area 51, and took rocks from Antarctica as moon rocks.

Area 51 Workers Commute By Flight
Although most aspects of working at Area 51 are kept top secret, there is news that employees commute to work via an unmarked government aircraft. The airline for these secret aircrafts is called “Janet,” which some believe stands for Just Another Non-Existent Terminal. However, no one truly knows where they land. Nor is it verified where these flights specifically take off from.

The Best UFO Spotting Is By A Mailbox
Although workers are sworn to secrecy, some former employees have opened up about their prior work at the location. One man named Bob Lazar became famous for claiming to work at Area 51 and spotting UFOs. He said the best place to see aliens there was by the Black Mailbox. In reality it is two mailboxes, one for owner Steve Medlin and the second one for aliens. Medlin added the second mailbox to prevent all visitors from tampering with his own mail. Whether it’s your dream (or nightmare) to get in contact with aliens, this spot 12 miles away from the extraterrestrial hub is where to go!

Photos: Facebook Event: Storm Area 51 , Pixabay