No, it’s not a bad episode of Black Mirror. What’s going on with the world this year has been just as insane as real. And just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get more dramatic, Anonymous reappear. In fact, this is not the first time they interfere through their ”hacktivism.” They have been present for a while, taking the defense of those suffering of political agendas and injustice. So, in addition to their recent ”virtual artwork”, here are 6 times Anonymous left us speechless.
Operation Didgeridie

The involvement of the active online-activist group made their first headline sin 2009. The attack targeted the Australian government. Furthermore, Anonymous were able to service attack to take the Prime Minister’s website offline for about an hour. The reason? he had announced he will be censoring certain adult content on the Internet, while encouraging others.
Operation Tunisia

In 2011, Tunisia became one of the countries that went down in history. The whole world watched as Tunisians rammed the streets protesting against their government. This was the begging of a world-shaping movement, called the Arab Spring. During the uprise, WikiLeaks and social media were a major instigator during the protests. Anonymous revealed confidential information leaking the government to several illegal activities.
HBGary Barr

Anonymous were the reason behind the scandal of Aaron Barr, CEO of HBGary Barr. The group infiltrated data to cause the company to live one of their worst days. First, they shut down the entire phone service, homepage and emails. From which, they made public ”over 68,000 private e-mails which included presentations, information on competing firms, and info on HBGary Barr’s plans on taking down WikiLeaks.”

Imagine how powerful Anonymous have to be in order to shut down payment methods. Several companies started to shut down their business with WikiLeaks ( supporting the government guidelines.) As a consequence, he group shut down both Visa’s and MasterCard’s sites on December 8, 2010. No only this, but they also declared war on several online platforms, such as Amazon, PayPal, and PostFinance.
Bank of America

The operation Bank of America seems straight out of the professor’s plan in Money Heist. In fact, this was definitely one of their finest work, and Anonymous left us speechless. Following news of shady mortgage loans within the bank, the group managed to release e-mails from a previous employee. Although none of the documents were incriminating, it still gave media something to talk about.
Operation Jefferey Epstein
Finally, the best for last. 2020 just can’t stop surprising us. Anonymous were behind the biggest scandal of the year, aiming at several big names in the world. Following the unjust brutal murder of a black man on the hands of a cop, riots and protests broke out in the US. Donald Trump who opposed the manifestations, received a hit from the infiltrators. They released official documents leaking that the president himself, and a list of celebrities are involved in pedophelia and child trafficking.
Photos: Pixabay, Freepik.